Image of rabbits and blueberries. The caption reads "can rabbits eat blueberries."

Yes, rabbits can eat blueberries but should only be fed in moderation. Feed your rabbit no more than 1 or 2 teaspoons of blueberries per 2 pounds of body weight. Fruit should be an occasional treat for your rabbit since it is high in sugar.

Can rabbits eat blueberries?

Yes! Rabbits can eat blueberries. Although, this should come as no surprise, like most fruits, blueberries should be given in moderation due to their sugar content. Blueberries are definitely one of the lower in sugar fruits but it still has enough that if you over indulge your rabbit it could cause him or her some digestion issues.

Are the seeds a problem?

No, not in blueberries. When it comes to rabbits the rule of thumb is they cannot eat fruits that contain seeds unless the seeds are completely removed. Although blueberries do have a seed in them they are so small (about the size of the seeds you see on the outside of a strawberry) that they pose no threat to your rabbit, they can consume them and digest them with no problem.

Rabbit eating blueberries Video

This may be a bit off subject but I found this ridiculous video on YouTube of a rabbit being surrounded by blueberries.

What types of blueberries can I feed my rabbit?

You can feed your rabbit fresh, dried, dehydrated and frozen blueberries. As to what is best and healthiest for your rabbits diet is a different story. The healthiest option is fresh blueberries, then frozen, dehydrated and then dried.

Fresh Blueberries

Fresh blueberries are really the best option. They are an enjoyable, healthier and a more hydrating treat with a much lower sugar content than dried or dehydrated blueberries. You can grab them at any local grocery store, farmers market or fresh from your own garden. Just be sure to wash them thoroughly. Removal of the stems and leaves is optional, it is perfectly fine for your rabbit to nibble on the leaves and stems as long as they have been washed.

Frozen Blueberries

Frozen blueberries are a great treat for your bunny, especially on a hot summer day.  Although, you may lose some of the nutrients/vitamins during the freezing process of the blueberries. A benefit to frozen blueberries is since they are frozen they will contain a little extra water which provides your bunny with some addition hydration. Although the difference in moisture is minimal from frozen to fresh, bunnies are typically 4-8 pounds so a little extra water really goes a long way regarding their digestive health. This is why frozen blueberries come in at number 2 on our list.

Dehydrated Blueberries

Dehydrated blueberries are just regular blueberries that have had about 85%-90% of their water sucked out of them. Although this doesn’t sound like a major change, it’s just less water after all, but it actually increases the sugar density in the blueberry. Density is the measurement of how much “stuff” (in this scenario the stuff is sugar)  is packed into a measured space, once you remove 85-90 percent of the blueberries water content then you are left with a blueberry that is now quite dense in sugar.

Dried Blueberries

Dried blueberries are similar to dehydrated blueberries but they have had even more moisture removed from them, dried blueberries have had 92%-97% of their water removed. So you guessed it, they are even denser in their sugar content.

Although fresh blueberries are the best option we do understand that dried, frozen and dehydrated blueberries will last much longer and are usually cheaper by the weight. Just be sure to review our guide on the proper amounts based on the blueberry type to ensure you are keeping your rabbit healthy.

Organic versus Non-Organic Blueberries

You can purchase fresh, frozen, dried and dehydrated blueberries organically or non-organic. A blueberry being grown organically means that It was grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers (these are the specific requirements of the U.S). This obviously decreases the chance of your rabbit consuming harmful pesticides. Go organic when you can but if it is not an option for you then maybe wash your non- organic blueberries a few seconds longer than your organic blueberries.

At what age can a rabbit safely eat blueberries?

Blueberries should only be consumed by full grown adult rabbits. Determining if your rabbit is full grown depends on the breed/type of rabbit. Smaller breeds of rabbit reach full maturity at 4-5 months, medium breeds reach full maturity at 6-10 months and larger breeds don’t reach full maturity until around 18 months.

If you are unsure of which category your bunny falls into check with your vet, they should be able to easily answer this question. Even when your rabbit has reached full maturity it is important to monitor your rabbit the first 1-3 times you give them blueberries. All rabbits are different and you want to ensure they are digesting the blueberries without any issues. The telltale sign will be their poop! If they are still pooping regularly with no major changes in color, texture or size then they are digesting the blueberries just fine.

How many blueberries can your bunny have?

This is dependent on the blueberry, as stated before dried and dehydrated blueberries have a higher sugar density so they cannot be given as often as fresh or frozen blueberries. It’s important to remember, all fruits should be given as a treat for your rabbit, not as a regular addition to their daily food intake.

Your rabbit should have no more than 1-2 fresh or frozen blueberries per week  or one dried or dehydrated blueberry every 10-14 days. Sticking to this amount should keep your rabbit happy and healthy. Again, blueberries, like all other fruits, are a treat to your rabbit and should be given in strict moderation to prevent a blueberry addition and an unhappy, unhealthy rabbit.

Nutritional value of feeding your rabbit blueberries

Blueberries can be a very beneficial treat to your rabbit’s overall health. Blueberries contain fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamin B6. Blueberries are also a great antioxidant. Dietary antioxidants protect your rabbit’s tissues against oxidative damage. Blueberries also hold water, so it is an extra boost of hydration for your rabbit.

Proper Rabbit Diet and Nutrition

Diet is the most important key factor that will determine how long your pet rabbit lives. Here is some helpful nutrition information that will keep your rabbit healthy and happy for many years.

  • Timothy hay is the most important food for your rabbit and should be offered in unlimited quantities daily. The fiber in the hay is what keeps your rabbit alive! Never feed alfalfa hay to an adult rabbit, it contains way too much protein and can lead to many health issues.
  • Pellets that are timothy based should be fed to your rabbit at about a 1/4 cup per 3 pounds of bodyweight. Make sure that the pellets you are feeding your rabbit contains at least 18% fiber and has no corn or seeds as an ingredient.
  • Leafy greens are important also and should be fed at a rate of one packed measuring cup per 3 pounds of body weight at the minimum. I have always fed my rabbits about 2 to 2 ½ cups of leafy greens and have had very happy, long living rabbits.
  • Fruit, like pears is important in small quantities. I choose to feed my rabbits fruit only twice per week since I favor giving them Oxbow Veggie Treats. My rabbits go nuts for them and they are somewhat healthy and contain 10% fiber.

More on rabbit diet information here.

About the Author

My name is Vanessa and I love my buns. My current house rabbit is Mr. Bunny, he is a black and white Dutch that just turned 9 years old.

I believe that rabbits are a magnificent animal that make great pets for SOME people. My mission is to share what I have learned about rabbits over the past 20 years to improve the relationship between our pets and us. Please contact me or comment if you have any questions or comments.