Image of rabbits waiting to eat a hay bail with a pitchfork stuck in it. The caption reads "Rabbit Hay Information."

Hay is the most important part of your rabbits’ diet and should make up about 80% of his or her total diet. Timothy hay and Orchard grass hay are the most popular choices and will provide plenty of critical fiber to your rabbit. Alfalfa hay should only be fed to young rabbit, never adult.

Rabbit Hay – Critical nutrition for your rabbit

I have owned pet rabbits for over 20 years (pre-internet) and will admit that in the beginning I did not understand how critical hay was. I then went through a period where I was told that Timothy hay was the type of hay that my rabbit had to be eating. Long story short I have learned a lot over the years and want to share my wealth of knowledge with you and your bun.

Below you will find all of the articles I have ever written about rabbit hay.

Rabbit Hay Articles and Information

Best Hay for Rabbits

The best hay for rabbits is Timothy hay containing at least 32% crude fiber and 6% or less protein. Rabbits younger than 5-month-old should have a 50/50 mixture of Alfalfa and Timothy hay. Hay should be fresh and fed in unlimited quantities. If your rabbit doesn’t like or is not eating enough of the Timothy hay then try a different type.

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What Cut of Hay is Best

The 2nd cut of hay is typically best choice for adult rabbits because it has an excellent balance of fiber, protein, fat and calcium. 1st cut hay is typically lean and low in calories while the 3rd cut is higher in calories and fat. All three cuts can be safely fed to most rabbits but the 2nd is best.

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How Much Hay Should Rabbits Eat

Most rabbits eat about 13 ounces of hay weekly, per 2 to 3 pounds of body weight. Timothy hay, Orchard grass and Oat hay are all good options for rabbits to eat. Hay should make up 80% of a rabbits diet, be fed in unlimited quantities daily and never restricted unless directed by a veterinarian.

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Is Oat Hay Good for Rabbits

Oat hay is an excellent choice for rabbits, particularly for rabbits that are picky eaters. Its nutritional value is similar Timothy hay providing plenty of fiber and a safe amount of calcium and protein. Oat hay should be fed in unlimited quantities and make up about 80% of your pet rabbits’ diet.

Oat hay seems to get lost in the shuffle when discussing hay and rabbit feed options.

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Can Rabbits Eat meadow Hay

Yes, rabbits can safely eat meadow hay in unlimited quantities and should make up 80% of a rabbits diet. Meadow hay provides rabbits with essential nutrients consisting of fiber, protein and calcium. Timothy and Orchard grass hay are very similar to Meadow hay and are also good choices for adult rabbits.

The question you should be asking yourself is, which type of hay will my rabbit eat the most of?

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Is Orchard Hay Good for Rabbits

Yes, Orchard grass hay is good for rabbits since it contains 32% fiber and is low in protein at 7% which is excellent for your rabbit’s health. Orchard grass hay should make up 80% of your rabbits’ total diet and is safe to feed in unlimited quantities. Orchard grass is an excellent choice for picky eaters and can be blended with other hays if needed.

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Alfalfa vs Timothy Hay

Timothy hay is an excellent choice for adult rabbits while Alfalfa is best for young rabbits under five months of age. Alfalfa should never be fed to adult rabbits because it contains high levels of calcium and fat that can cause obesity and health issues impacting the kidneys and bladder.

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Orchard Hay vs Timothy Hay

Orchard hay and Timothy hay are both acceptable for rabbits to eat and have a similar nutritional profile. It is hard to make an argument for which hay is better since both contain similar amounts of crude fiber, crude protein and calcium. The only real difference is that Timothy is better for your rabbits dental health.

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