Image of rabbits, a rabbit water bottle and "bunny approved" water bottles. The caption reads "Rabbits and water."

Water should be available to your pet rabbit all of the time via a water bottle rather than a bowl. Bottles are more sanitary and hold a reserve of water that can not be spilled. Rabbits should never be given a bath or soaked in water.

Rabbits and Water

I have owned pet rabbits for over 20 years and have learned and continue to learn more and more about them. Some rabbits drink more than others and their water consumption changes depending on how fresh the vegetation is that you are giving them as part of a well rounded diet.

Articles & Information: Rabbits and Water

Why is my rabbit drinking a lot of water

There are numerous reasons why your rabbit is drinking a lot of water. These include a change in diet, pain, underlying health problems, infections, and dehydration. Some of the reasons indicate a medical problem while others…

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Can you give your rabbit a bath

No, you can NOT give your rabbit a bath, it can cause great harm to your rabbit. The amount of stress and discomfort that a bath causes a rabbit can send them into shock and kill them. Rabbits have a fear of water, are not meant to be soaked and bathing…

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Can rabbits drink water from a bowl

Yes, rabbits can drink water from a bowl, but a water bottle is a better choice for several reasons including…

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Can rabbits swim

Yes, rabbits can swim if they are forced to, but they do not like it. Their fur is not made to be soaked or underwater and the design of a rabbit’s body is not made to swim. Swimming can cause rabbits…

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Best rabbit water bottles

Having the best water bottle for your rabbit is critical for hydration, hygiene and for your rabbit’s long-term health. Below the list of water bottles you will find a copious amount of helpful information and tips about rabbits…

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Can rabbits drink water from a bowl

Yes, rabbits can drink water from a bowl, but a water bottle is a better choice for several…

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Do rabbits like to play in water

Rabbits do not like to play in water, swim or get wet. Their fur is not made to get soaked and if it does it can cause…

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Can you spray rabbits with water

Yes, you can spray rabbits lightly with water as a disciplinary action and to help them cool off. Spraying rabbits with water as a disciplinary tool works for some rabbits and has no impact on others. If you are trying help your rabbit cool off it is best to mist their ears with water since their ears act as radiators.

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