There are many substances and foods that are toxic to rabbits. Never assume that a plant, fruit or substance is safe for your rabbit to eat or even chew on. Nuts, seeds and commercially made rabbit treats with added sugar should never be fed to your pet rabbit.

Toxic Substances and Rabbits: Articles and Information

Plants Toxic to Rabbits

There are numerous plants that are toxic to rabbits. It is important to know which ones to stay away from and which ones are okay. Most of the plants that are toxic to rabbits are not your typical house plants so chances are your pet rabbit will not have a run in with them.

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What Foods are Toxic to Rabbits

There are many foods that are toxic to rabbits. A few examples include apple seeds, bread, crackers, almonds, rhubarb leaves and any plant that is grown from a bulb. Rabbits have a very delicate digestive system and great care should be used when feeding your rabbit new foods. Never feed…

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Is Cardboard safe for rabbits?

Yes, rabbits can safely eat and chew on plain cardboard but not cardboard with printed images or any type of ink on them. Chewing on plain cardboard promotes healthy teeth and provides mental stimulation for the rabbit which is good a thing. There are limits to everything though…

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Is Tea Tree Oil Toxic To Rabbits?

Many people treat their dogs, cats and other pets with tea tree oil in order to kill and control mites, fleas, walking dandruff and other medical issues. Rabbits should never…

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